Orange is the new black (2013) orange is the new black tells us the story of different imprisoned women, this context offers us a slang vocabulary . The handmaid's tale (2017) this tells us the story, after the terrorist attack that ends with the president of the united states. A revolution is started to restore order and the constitution is removed, introducing appalling changes in society. Game of thrones this is the world famous game of thrones series, based on the books by george rr martin.
Girls (2012) six seasons that tell us about the lives of four girls who live in new york. The talks between them will not leave us indifferent and will help us learn everyday english in the united states. And how about we try the australian series? If you are still not convinced by the previous targeted email list ones or, on the contrary, you have seen them all but need more, here is another selection for the most daring. Please like me (2013) josh, the protagonist of this series, who is going through a series of big changes, will introduce us to a new accent and new vocabulary used in australia.
the australian outback that will unleash a series of incidents involving two brothers. Glitch (2015) glitch is a series that has two seasons in which the story of a small rural town is told in which the deceased begin to return from the dead. Have you already chosen your platform and your series? Next, we give you some recommendations so that you can get the most out of your time, using the series to learn english. Recommendations and clarifications to make learning more effective. The reason why we have made a selection of series and not movies is that the series have a longer duration and